Audiogon Ethics

I have been an Audiogon member for a couple of years and am very fond of the idea that we are building a community of audiophiles based on trust and honesty. I recently saw a sales ad for a piece by a member who I sold an identical piece to a few months ago (I can't say it is my original piece but it would strike me as odd that someone would own two identical units). If the seller is indeed advertising the unit I initially sold him, he is misrepresenting the condition of the unit (e.g., implying that he purchased it new and that its age is less than it actually is). My question to everybody on this list is what, if anything, to do about this?

I am concerned about the implications of dishonesty for our community of audiophiles in general. I believe this question merits discussion among members. I look forward to your responses. Thanks.

lol, I have a story non audio related but its about the same thing as this. ok, we built a house and then somebody came along and decided to offer us money for it we couldnt refuse, so before it was done they bought it.. we lived in it and finished it .. we lived there for close to 6 months after it was done, and another 6 months before that. Well after we moved out we had company over and they wanted to see the house and it was back on the market.. so we went and toured it during the open house and as soon as we walk into the house we lived in for over a year the realator says " this home is brand new. never been lived in" ha,my ass i was soo pissed and i HIGHLY doubt that he didnt know we lived there. maybe the moron that bought it from us left out that little detail..cheatin son of a.. lol oh well. thats my story of how people lie just to make a buck.
People Person:

Speaking only for myself,not a community,I'd express my concerns in his feedback and let other individuals draw their own inferences from the whole body of his feedback.

That is a bit strange - why would the person be an original owner of something they also bought a used copy of? Sometimes I think people shop these sites enough to buy and sell pieces they feel they can make a profit on, and it would be quite possible to have bought more than one copy of something used that is turned around and sold. The situation you describe is hard to come up with an explanation for other than that the seller is mis-representing the piece

That said, I don't think there's much you can do or should try to do about it. As much as we all want this to be a completely honest environment, it probably isn't, and every buyer needs to do everything possible to protect themselves. If somebody claims to be the original owner and a buyer really cares about that, there are ways to verify the claim. -Kirk

It seems the first place to start is to simply ask the seller if it is the same. I haven't read anywhere in this thread that this has happened. All the guessing and assuming guilt - is wasted, negative energy, to me.
Just my 2 cents.... aj