Need more outlets

I only have one accessible outlet. Can anyone recommend a quality power strip?

Portal Panache integrated amp
Marantz cd 5004
Wyred 4 Sound DAC1
Bellari phono amp
Rega p1 TT
My big concern is not to purchase something that will choke off/ bottleneck the overall sound quality.

Well - Furutech is one of the few companies that has a line of unfiltered distribution bars

Pricey - but extremely good

Take a look at

I made my own for much less, but I would not recommend this unless you are a serious hobbyist or in the electrical field.
The Furutech e-t60 looks like something that would work well for me, however they are pricey as williewonka suggested. Any others that would fit my needs but perhaps at a lower price point?
The BrickWall surge suppressor/line filter I mentioned earlier is used by a number of A'gon members, and I don't recall ever seeing any complaints about it choking off dynamics, if that is your main concern. It certainly doesn't seem to do that in my system. Although my amplifier is class A and therefore draws essentially constant current regardless of the dynamics of the music, so results with class AB or class D amplifiers could conceivably differ. It costs $259.

If you want a power strip that is purely a power strip, though, and does nothing to the AC beyond routing it to multiple outlets and providing a switch, why not try the $38 Hammond model I linked to earlier? It doesn't have the Furutech's fancy contact platings, cryogenic and demagnetized conductors, emi absorbent coating, etc., but who knows what if any benefit those features would provide in a specific system anyway.

-- Al
Try the Furman VT-EXT - a simple power bar with an iec connector so you can upgrade its power cord

Cost around $60 - built for distribution in racks

Take a look at their other products

Furman is a power supply company so the outlets should be pretty good

But it ain't no Furutech
Also the Furman d10-pfp a rack mount version

This one on ebay for $50