Need more outlets

I only have one accessible outlet. Can anyone recommend a quality power strip?

Portal Panache integrated amp
Marantz cd 5004
Wyred 4 Sound DAC1
Bellari phono amp
Rega p1 TT
I just got a Blue Circle 2x PLC Thingee that doesn't seem to stifle the AC at all. Comparisons to my BrickWall surge protector reveals a slight compression on the soundstage along with some diminishment as well with the Brickwall. The Thingee just seems to clean up what I didn't know was there until it was gone. I can't detect any differnce running my SACD player through it or when directly connected to the wall, save for the cleaner presentation.

Everyones system is different so YMMV. I've used the Thingee only on my SACD player and will connect everything else to it this weekend. I'm told it runs parallel to the AC and won't affect the sound at all and just cleans it and that it can handle all my equipment as well (this model has 6 outlets).

I didn't think it would sound this good but I was wrong. I'll report back this weekend with some more observations.

All the best,
Interesting, Nonoise. But at this early point in your experiments I don't think that the differences you heard should necessarily be attributed to inherent differences between the two line filters themselves.

Keep in mind that what you've done changes up to FIVE variables at once. In addition to changing the AC line filtering that is being provided for the SACD player, you've probably changed four other things:

1)Digital (or other) noise fed back into its power cord by the SACD player was previously subjected to no filtering before reaching whatever other component may have been plugged into the other of the two outlets in the same duplex pair on the BrickWAll (assuming there was another component plugged into the same duplex pair on the BrickWall as the SACD player). Now, instead of no filtering between the SACD player and that other component there is filtering between them being provided by BOTH the BrickWall and the Thingee.

2)Previously digital (or other) noise fed back into its power cord by the SACD player was filtered just by the BrickWall before reaching the power cords of components plugged into other duplex outlet pairs on the BrickWall. Now noise coupling via those paths is filtered by BOTH the BrickWall and the Thingee. And the filtering of this noise that is being contributed by the BrickWall is probably more stringent in the new arrangement than previously (since the relevant pathway now includes the path between duplex outlets on the BrickWall and the AC outlet on the wall, rather than just between duplex outlets on the BrickWall).

3)Same as number 1, except in the reverse direction, i.e., you've added filtering of noise coupled from that other component TO the SACD player.

4)Same as number 2, except in the reverse direction, i.e., you've increased filtering of noise coupled from other components TO the SACD player.

So pending further experimentation I don't think a conclusion can be drawn as to whether the differences you've perceived should be attributed to inherent differences between the two line filters, or to one or more of those other four variables.

As I've said in a number of past threads dealing with other matters, in audio it can often be very difficult to assure that a perceived sonic difference is being attributed to the correct variable.

Best regards,
-- Al
Musicrover, get a Weizhi PRS-6. This will give you clean power without limiting current. I have 2, 1 for my mono amps and other for pre and digital.

I've had my share of power conditioners and this is the 1st one that doesn't alter natural tone of my components and provide clean power.
Kng, you probably didn't see a post earlier in the thread where the OP indicated he was reluctant to invest the cost of a Furutech e-TP60, which is less than $400. The PRS-6 appears to cost around $3200 if bought new.

-- Al
Al, thanks, again for your valuable insight. Looks like I'm going to be trying more combinations than originally intended. I've got my work cut out for me this weekend. :-)

All the best,