RS Jaco Cord Upgrade ?


Need some ideas on which power cord to try on my Jaco; looking for a neutral cord with no color. Currently using a JPS AC+ power cord.

Reasonably priced cord...


I look forward to my nightly listening sessions and am thankful for the responses I got in regard to PC upgrade for my Jaco.

The X20's on my Tube integrated amp and Tube power supply is "Spectacular" and you'll have to hear it for yourself to appreciate what Chacoustic will do for your system; spooky realism coming from a pitch black background and I'm just elated on how instruments sounds convincingly like the real deal...

Chacoustic, your cables speak for themselves and I'm a very satisfied customer! :)
Alright, I just bought a used RSA Dmitri, so now I have to keep my eye out for a used 20A HZ Crown Jewel or X-20 to pair with never seems to end....sigh.


You don't have to, but you don't know what you'll be missing. You're right, it never seems to end! Isn't this a fun hobby?

Chuck, it's a lot of fun until you look in your wallet and find out it's empty. LOL!!
I need to stop buying stuff and start selling stuff for a change!!
Fortunately, I'm not desperate, I do have an Elrod EPS-3 Signature that will hold me over for the time being. I recall preferring the Elrod over more expensive cords like the Stealth Dream, Nordost Valhalla and PAD 20th Anniversary on my RSA Jaco conditioner previously. So it's not like I'll be stuck in the mud while I wait for a used cord to show up. ;)