Shunyata Zitron Python Burn-In?

While I have seen a fair amount of input related to this question from experienced owners on various sites, after just now taking receipt of the Zitron Python SC and Interconnects, I guess I'm looking for a little reassurance. Please tell me these things will get much closer to their purported SOTA performance with sufficient burn in time. Right now they're rounded a bit on top, a little bloated in the middle and heavy in the bottom. Lacking overall speed, transparency and dimension.
Sorry, I simply have no desire to listen to any music until there's at least a hundred hours on the new tubes, new cables, new fuse, whatever. I use the XLO Test CD break-in track.
Hi Geoff, do you find it more effective to playback a branded break-in track like XLO 24/7, rather than doing the same using an FM tuner tuned to interstation hash?

Saluti, Guido
Guidocorona, good question! That actually be an excellent idea, but have never tried it myself.
I am not convinced a rounded top will get better with burn in. The rest will improve (in my experience). However, I have never burnt in this cable.