Directional speaker wires, what and why.

I've been aware for a long time that some speaker cables are designated as "directional". To a limited extent I can understand the rational behind choices based on wire size and construction, biwiring, etc. but don't understand how any conductor can have directional characteristics even in a DC circuit. I'm not denying the possibility but can someone please clarify this for me?

The only reason this comes up is that some time ago, I changed from spades to locking bananas on my wires. It was just yesterday that I noticed that my cables have arrows printed on them indicating, I suppose, that they should be hooked up with the arrows pointing toward the speakers from the amp. The cables in question, btw, are Straightwire Octave 2's.

I've experimented with speaker wires in an attempt to optimize my system but have never been able to discern much, if any, difference between them. That being the case, though, I now don't know whether these have been situated incorrectly since about 2004 when I bought them with my Martin Logan Odyssey speakers.

How can there be a directional character to a conductor and how does that affect sound?
Same with me Grannyring, I can't believe how they can sound different.
I must have a bad ears or my system not at all resolving... and perhaps I need ear cleaning.
I'm also poor student and barely can score for D- on audio 101 stuff.
You must be. Why even hang on this site? Use lamp wire and Sears 1970 electronics as it must sound the same as all this exotic, Aphile stuff you bark against.
I see nothing wrong with lamp wire. It's much better than $10k wire. Whatever makes sense is usually better than whatever doesn't by default.
Again sorry, but I didn't learn audio from dealers.
Jea48 That response made me laugh! Thanks sincerely and your right. Finally sold my nightclub, also quit riding with my 1%er club, so dang i do need to get out. There used to be so many great posters in the past that i miss but guess some of us are getting old...old great posters could be a thread onto itself... but see i digress.. Grannyring you really truly think you can hear the difference in whether a cable is ran one way or the other in a double blind test? I would bet any amount you cant but that just sounds trite.. I do believe cables can be made to sound different Not better just different. Like many have said tone controls like on great old gear kind of like me. Anyway maybe i am not up to date but seriously cant believe that would make a discernible difference. By the way the best part of your system is your in all systems they should be.
Read what I said - after burn in only. No, I am not saying anything less than what is completely obvious. After they burn in going the new direction they will sound the same again. Unless.....

If a cable is made to sound right in one direction, then those few cables will sound different backwards. A few cables are indeed wound in a manner that is directional. Try hooking up your amp backwards (with the polarity switched)and it will indeed sound different based on the way it was built. A few cables are constructed to be used in one direction, not many or most, but a few.