Soud applications Reference line stage vs line sta

I am looking for a power conditioner, and people seem to like Sound Applications Line Stage.

I just saw two postings for SA line stage. However, they are "Line Stage" and "Reference Line Stage", and they looks exactly the same from outside (except for printing). Is there any difference between them?

Jim does tweak his designs a lot. His later models do outperform the earlier ones. I have two of the RLS240s (circa 2010 now superseded by the RLS-240E) and a RLS240X which he builds to order (based on the components he uses for commercial conditioners).
It's bad for resale value this way. confuses the would be buyers in the market.
The problem is you don't know what version you are getting in the used market! Which makes even the newer pricier version not worth as much.
Thanks for all your responses.

A few local audio dealers recommended PS Audio regenerators (non of them sells PS products) given that I am living in an old apartment, so I am leaning that way for the moment.