I really want to thank you all. This is what I love most about audio - the community, the people... the willingness to help.
But especially,Jafox.I just can't believe someone would really loan their mega$$$ cables to unknown person.I'm speechless. Faith in humanity - partially restored.
Thank you so much.
It seems the general opinion is the Valhalla is responsible for this in my system.I think that's right. Actually, I took a lot of effort to tame the "tubey" sound, to add detail, speed etc.
Valhalla was bought after reading JD's review of it.
One must always find that balance between musicality and resolution that suits their own personal tastes. Not everyone is looking for just details, some folks enjoy musicality.
This is exactly what I meant.It seems I was too successful in adding speed and clarity to the system.
I will make another 40 cm bi-wiring pair of speaker cable. I have some Gabriel Gold Rapture R speaker wire that I bought 2 years ago.Then I will see what happens after Valhalla is out.
I guess that should be step No. 1.
Then see what happens.