Inexpensive tube amp

I'm looking for an inexpensive but yet decent quality tube amp to pair with my new Zu Omen bookshelf speakers. I've noticed that there are a lot of integrated amps out there, but I would rather and Stand alone amp to pair with my existing Preamp. The preamp is a modified Acurus unit from back in the day. However if I cannot find an inexpensive amp an integrated unit might be okay. My budget will be between 300 and $400 new or used. The source will be an old pioneer turntable. Nothing special just an inexpensive analog front end to listen to music in my small room.
Ok, just got the amp and have been listening to it for about an hour.

First impressions, compared to the Acurus Ls-11 line stage pre and the Conrad Johnson mf-2100 I think in general it's a step down so far. But I suppose $400 integrated tube amp should not be able to compare to over $2000 worth of gear. But I guess I was hoping for a bit more.

The highs are generally smooth but have this harshness to them on some level. The highs are generally rolled off. I opted for the RCA tubes 6SJ7 in the pre section and 6L6's in the amp section.

The sound stage seems a bit closed in and the air around the instruments isn't there anymore.

Now these are first impressions. Maybe once the amp breaks in a bit or I throw some different tubes at it it will open up.

Not saying it's a bad piece, just not the equal of what it replaces.

Suggestions welcome.
That's the problem of buying tubes just for the sake of buying tubes. The sound varies quite a bit, just like with SS. If I had to guess, the issues you are having sound more like preamp, than amp related problems. Given your budget, I would try a passive preamp with your CJ. You're far more likely to get better results.
Well granted this was an experiment, but one that was suppose to compliment Zu bookshelf speakers that by most accounts crave tube amplification.

This is my secondary rig so it allows to me experiment to some degree with too much risk.
I've read that the rca's I have are pretty good in this pre. I'm gonna try some Genelex Golden Lion KT88's to see what they do for me. They are suggested units.

I've been running in the amp all day, so I got a good 8 hours on it. I'm happy to report that it has opened up substantially. The highs have smoothed out as well.

One thing for sure,is that interconnects make BIG differences in sound. So finding the right one might be long road. Especially since any good interconnect will cost as much as the amp. The trick will be to find one that's inexpensive and works.

I will say I can see what all the fuss is about with tubes. The presence of the music can be really life like.