Power Chords better than TWL at the price?

Hi everyone

I am currently maximizing my system through speaker placements, room acoustics, vibration control, etc. before I consider upgrading any equipment. I have made huge progress with Clear Day speaker cables and Stillpoint Ultra SS footers - it sounds like a new system. So, the next move is to upgrade the power cords on my Oppo 105 and Exposure 2010s2 integrated. Currently, I have a Blue Heaven PC on the integrated and a Pangea AC14SE on the Oppo.

So, I've been looking at the Triode Wire Labs (7+ for the amp and 10+ for the Oppo). I haven't been able to find anything in their price range (400-600 ea for 2m) that has gotten such consistently high marks.

If you think there is something out there that is notably better, please let me know!

Thanks for your time,
TWL cords are a "must audition" for anyone who cares about upgrading the sound of their system. Different model (gauge) cords for different applications make them user friendly. In my system, they made an improvement in each piece of equipment I tried them on. Better yet, they seem to "build upon each other", so using TWL cords for my complete system made a cumulative change for the better. Pete's TWL cords are very flexible with excellent build quality. Customer service is exceptional. When you look at (listen to) the price to performance ratio, they are an absolute NO BRAINER!

Next up for me is the speaker cables... soon I hope!

In Oct'2013, I changed all my power cords to TWL models 12+ and 8+. For 12+ power cords, I placed them on OPPO BDP-105 and Magnum Dynalab MD-108T tube FM tuner. While 8+ power cords on the integrated amps: 300B Triode SET amp and Solid State Class A amp.

Two months later in Dec'2013, I consolidated my two systems into one, and upgraded all my power cords to TWL 7+ on OPPO BDP-105, Jungson JA-99D Integrated SS amp, Magnum Dynalab MD-108T and Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSDse. While keeping one 8+ power cord on my Energy Veritas VSX-10 subwoofer.

Note: my final system is solid state.

The sound improvement was one that is very musical, natural, complete harmonics with extensions yet neutral without adding any warmth or distortions. My first and immediate impression was how NATURAL the music is, and the texture. Compared to TWL 8+ power cord, their reference 7+ power cords reveals more bass extension and punch and better high frequency extensions without any treble energy usually associated with Solid State setup. Not that it musk the high frequency, but my OPPO BDP1-05 seems more listenable with less hint of electronics nature. Coming from my previous experience with other cables which either focus on certain bandwidth or adds warmth to the sound or amplify the full bandwidth to extract more inner details, creates a heighten sense of ultra fast dynamics and full extensions of frequency ends with an enlarged image..in my experience, this is suitable for a low power 300B SET amp setup which the source, amplifier and speakers near perfect...you'll hear everything: good or bad.

However, system matching is very important. A critical cable whether power cord or interconnects or speaker cables will mercilessly reveals the weakness of a system. TWL cables are revealing yet provides easy matching whether SET tube or Class A SS amps system. I had great success with their power cords, and upgraded to TWL speaker cables. The synergy improves, music is more musical and natural, easy on the ears. If you're happy with your system or before you sell away your gears to pursue the highend nirvana, try upgrading to TWL cables, I'm one of their many satisfied customers who bought their cables without breaking my wallet and yet still be happy to listen to my music. Especially so, if you have a Solid State system that proves to be tricky on finding the right cables. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that TWL cables makes poor music better. I could hear the electronic nature of my OPPO BDP-105 and DAC, but when I switched to my Magnum Dynalab FM tubed Tuner MD-108T, I could immediately hear why analog is better. It makes SS more tolerable and enjoyable. I'm so happy with their cables that I've just ordered TWL latest 'Spirit' interconnects!

Hi Jimmy,
I always find your comments worthwhile and informative. I take it you prefer the TWL to your prior Coincident Extreme cables(there are newer versions just released now)? How were the TWL cords with your former Frankenstein? I've read many good remarks about these cables. I happen to love my Ocellia cable loom with Coincident components.
Hi Charles,

In my experience, the Coincident's Extreme cables are good with Coincident's gears. When I had the Esoteric X03SE powered by Extreme power cord, the glare did bother me a lot. And the other two sources were Magnum Dynalab tubed FM tuner and OPPO BDP-105. When driven by Dragons and CPRE, my Analog FM tuner sounded superb and never felt critical or in any ways lacking. What it came through to me, was that my complete system, felt more powerful than the 75wpc and the bass and lightning fast dynamics were super impressive. When I had the passive preamp driving the Franks which also powered by Coincident's Extreme power cords, the sound was very pure and the texture of strings instruments and bass drum layering was clear and infinite decay was beautiful. Replacing the passive preamp with Line Stage would be like adding wings to the mighty lion. Transparency and resolution became much clearer, i didn't have to listen as hard for the details, and without loosing the advantage of using passive preamp.

Things changed with solid state setup. I remembered reading from Coincident's website, that they don't recommend mix and match cables of various brands...so the importance here is: 'system matching'. Coincident's gears and cables have a good synergy and music was live and natural and detailed and fast and layered and soundscape was beautiful. I believe anyone who has listened to Coincident's gears at the audio show will agree to this. Makes sense with someone who is a avid vinyl enthusiast and having a large collection of vinyl records and playing with various tonearms and cartridges. Their gears are built around analog setup. More so, if he has the top of line line stage and franks and CPRE in his system. It would be my last system if I'm an analog person. But if someone having a midfi or not a pure hardcore audiophile who plays movies and digital music, with solid state setup, careful cables matching is required. Before i got into tube gears, i always find myself dissatisfied with solid state amp because of the treble glare and fatigue over a long listening period. But technology has come a long way, i find myself enjoying the affordable Chinese made solid state class A non-negative feedback integrated amplifier and the TWL cables really helps to make it happen in such a way that it sounds like tube amp without glare. If analog gears is used, does comes through very impressively (maybe not in the same league as Franks / CPRE, but enjoyable and satisfying and sufficient for me).

Sure, I've heard better sound than my current setup. Like when I delivered my Dragons to a local buyer here in Canada, he was a vinyl person with lots and lots and lots of vinly albums. He has one original pressed in the 60s, CD formar, SACD, SHM-CD and a re-issued LP. He played it all for me, the CD/SACD/SHM on his Esoteric player, impressive as it moves to the higher resolution format. Still it won't be the re-issued LP and the most formidable, original pressed LP with the popping sound during playback...it was the "fat" or body or harmonics that makes music, MUSIC! Best part is, his turntable was a Thoren used $350 and $600 cartridge and he used a 35 year old Audio Research active preamp with phono stage built in, and the speakers were Coincident's Super Eclipse MK3 which i got it from him as trades. Best music is still analog.

So, it really comes down to type of music, budget and more importantly, system matching. I'm sure TWL will sound as good on the Franks, also their cables are cheaper than Coincident's Extreme.
