Power Chords better than TWL at the price?

Hi everyone

I am currently maximizing my system through speaker placements, room acoustics, vibration control, etc. before I consider upgrading any equipment. I have made huge progress with Clear Day speaker cables and Stillpoint Ultra SS footers - it sounds like a new system. So, the next move is to upgrade the power cords on my Oppo 105 and Exposure 2010s2 integrated. Currently, I have a Blue Heaven PC on the integrated and a Pangea AC14SE on the Oppo.

So, I've been looking at the Triode Wire Labs (7+ for the amp and 10+ for the Oppo). I haven't been able to find anything in their price range (400-600 ea for 2m) that has gotten such consistently high marks.

If you think there is something out there that is notably better, please let me know!

Thanks for your time,
"The male plug on the TWL power cords has the strongest fit to the AC outlet I've seen out of the many cords I've used and I'm sure plays a role in their performance."

-- aren't these just entry level Furutech FI-11s?
I own two TWL cords. They are very good. I found that they add a slightly lush sound, which can be a nice thing with some solid state components. At a similar price point, the only other cable I really like as well or better, depending on the application, is the Mojo Audio Enigma, which delivers better bass and extension, but is not euphonic at all. Ben at Mojo Audio has increased his prices of late (although he is also upgrading and revising, which he says explains the upward drift in his pricing.). I have tried numerous other cords and at the "budget" (ha ha) level, TWL and Mojo are both were demoing. Audio Art cables are also worth a try, although I find them to be even more euphonic than TWL cords and a bit bass shy in comparison. I have an early Kaplan cord and like other power cords better.
"The male plug on the TWL power cords has the strongest fit to the AC outlet I've seen out of the many cords I've used and I'm sure plays a role in their performance."

-- aren't these just entry level Furutech FI-11s? 06-04-14: Loftarasa

I have no idea if they're Furutech. I did not pay much attention to the connectors, but I own cords with Furutech terminations (Flavor 4 and Airsines) and none of them have ever had the tight grip that the TWL plug has.

After looking at the website it looks like it is one of the Furutechs. I read somewhere that this is the plug that sounds best with this cable in the cablemaker's opinion (Peter).

"I have an early Kaplan cord and like other power cords better."

Well, so do I! Which is why I no longer make the mkI or mkII versions of my cables. The mkI versions were produced from early 2009 - 2011, mkII from late 2011 thru 2013, with the mk3 introduced Jan 2014. I don't change my cables often, but when I do, it is a significant improvement. And like all my cables, I offer an attractive upgrade policy for crediting 70% of the previously purchased retail price against the current retail price. For an upgrade from a Kaplan Cable 5'HE mkII cord to a Waveform Fidelity 5' HE mk3 power cord, that translates to a $228 upgrade cost. Given that all the mk3 cables all use different, significantly superior connectors, new sleeving, labels and proprietary treatment specific to the length/connectors of the cable [the only thing re-used is the cordage/wires, which have the benefit of being completely broken-in], its seems to me a good way of thanking my customers for their support. Try it, you'll like it...

Waveform Fidelity

"I have an early Kaplan cord and like other power cords better."

Well, so do I! Which is why I no longer make the mkI or mkII versions of my cables. The mkI versions were produced from early 2009 - 2011, mkII from late 2011 thru 2013, with the mk3 introduced Jan 2014. I don't change my cables often, but when I do, it is a significant improvement. And like all my cables, I offer an attractive upgrade policy for crediting 70% of the previously purchased retail price against the current retail price. For an upgrade from a Kaplan Cable 5'HE mkII cord to a Waveform Fidelity 5' HE mk3 power cord, that translates to a $228 upgrade cost. Given that all the mk3 cables all use different, significantly superior connectors, new sleeving, labels and proprietary treatment specific to the length/connectors of the cable [the only thing re-used is the cordage/wires, which have the benefit of being completely broken-in], its seems to me a good way of thanking my customers for their support. Try it, you'll like it...

Waveform Fidelity