Does anyone have feedback on the TERK Pro antenena

Application: Attempting to pull in stations approx 100 miles away. I have good visabilty.
TERK is garbage. MD whip is very good omnidirectionally and the $30 FM Reflect from will beat it for unidirectional reception. Good luck.
I agree with Rcprince...the Terk magnifies the garbage as well as the signal. I'll sell you mine (I don't use it anymore), but I can't recommend it to you. It may work okay, but I agree with most of the above...there's not much you can amplify if the signal isn't being sent that far. 100 miles is probably too far for most FM stations, except maybe the highest powered. I hooked up an old rusting rooftop TV antenna and I think it does a much, much better job than the Terk ever did.
I'll agree with the simplistic beauty of the $30 (usually on sale for $25) FM Reflect antenna. I also had two terk antennas and they were inferior compared to the Reflect.

OBTW, C.Crane makes and excellent portable AM/FM radio. I purchased one for my Uncle about three years ago. He was complaining about not being able to find a good radio like he had for 40+ years (he dropped/broke his old one in 1990). I read about the CCRadio and thought that with the 30 day money back guarantee I couldn't go wrong. My Uncle feel in love with it and listens to all his favorite stations again. It is a little pricey, $160, but he spent more than that on the ones that could not measure up and we gave to Goodwill.

Sorry for going off topic but I thought someone might like that little tidbit.
To A1126lin:
Sorry, I could have used better wording. On an outdoor antenna you can do two things: 1. rotate the directionality of the antenna; 2. choose which of the "elements" you wish to extend fully/partially/ or not at all.