Question of priorities in audio cables

As far as I can determine there are 3 things that go into making an audio cable- whether an IC, power cord, or speaker cable.

Those are the cable, the connectors, and the workmanship. I've considered which is most opportunity, and which is least important. To me, I think workmanship is the #1 priority, followed by the connectors, and then the wire itself.

What do others think?
Lizard84, I have gone from Acapella speakers to Tidal speakers to BMC speakers. In these switches none give the degree of improvement that I got with the HFCables and their pcs.
I feel the two main things are the conductor, long single crystal copper, and the dielectric used. After years of Tara, Synergistic, Audioquest, Harmonic Technology, Mapleshade, Van den Hul I have finally settled on AntiCables. These are sonically superior to my ears over the others. Close to Mapleshade, but a bit more dynamic, at least in my system. Plus, they are priced appropriately.
Stevecham....I totally agree with Anti's. They now make various levels...I had them all, and every level is certainly an increase in sound. I have my balanced cables with Xadow ends. Nice. I too tried many, many different favorites are Audioquest Sky/Everest. My Anti's are so similar, no one I asked (wife, neighbors, UPS man) could tell me which ones are better.
Stevecham, Hi, It appears you have not tried the top shelf cables Tara Labs has to offer, like the Zero Gold, then up to the new Zero Evolution, or the new top cable, The Grandmaster Evolution cables by Tara Labs, I have tried many cables myself, once I went up the Tara cable food chain, there was no other cable.