Silent Running Audio vs Harmonic Resolution System

Which of the two is better based on you own experience?

When I had my GPA rack, I couldn't imagine having to unload it to change the pads. The pads in the rear of the rack would've been impossible to change without unloading the rack, because of how it was situated in the corner. The more I read about SRA, the more I'm inclined to buy their rack. It'd become a fixture in my system just like the Lamm Gear. I'd still add some Ohio Class IsoBases to further reduce vibrations.
Im using Symposium an my entire system with great sound.SRA is good as well but it costs much more depends on your taste.

Glad you're experiencing sonic nirvana. After reviewing the Symposium
website, I found no empirical data that would lead me to believe that their
rack performs better than HRS or SRA. Cost aside, there seems to be no
greater performance benefit. I'm confident that SRA will provide me with
one of the world's best performing racks. Nevertheless, TEHO (to each his
own). Enjoy.