Need an audio brainiac...Stumped...

I just scratch built a "dynaclone" ST35 6BQ5 power amp from the schematic and stayed true to the dyna design save i used a 5u4 tube HV rectifier vice the diode dyna design.

The amp sounds fine on 3 different sets of speakers (Infinitys, Magnavox/Jensen alnicos, Realistic Nova 10's) but motorboats/farts when hooked up to my newly aquired Altec alnico Santanas. 2 other tube amps and 2 other solid state amps work fine on the Sanatnas.

This happens only with that one amp and speaker combination (Dynaclone and Altec Santanas)
I replaced the xover caps and whats wierd is that 4 other amps work great with the Altecs and the dynaclone works great with any other speakers save those Altecs.. Got a set of Valencias in storage id like to pull and see how they behave since the voice coil/mag structure is the same betwenn the Santanas and Valencias. Mybe it is some inductive quality that only is present in Altec drivers..Thanks for the thought - best regards
Strange lack of synergy? It's got to be the output transformers reaking havock when paired with those crossovers. Impedance issues perhaps?