Need an audio brainiac...Stumped...

I just scratch built a "dynaclone" ST35 6BQ5 power amp from the schematic and stayed true to the dyna design save i used a 5u4 tube HV rectifier vice the diode dyna design.

The amp sounds fine on 3 different sets of speakers (Infinitys, Magnavox/Jensen alnicos, Realistic Nova 10's) but motorboats/farts when hooked up to my newly aquired Altec alnico Santanas. 2 other tube amps and 2 other solid state amps work fine on the Sanatnas.

This happens only with that one amp and speaker combination (Dynaclone and Altec Santanas)
I replaced the xover caps and whats wierd is that 4 other amps work great with the Altecs and the dynaclone works great with any other speakers save those Altecs.. Got a set of Valencias in storage id like to pull and see how they behave since the voice coil/mag structure is the same betwenn the Santanas and Valencias. Mybe it is some inductive quality that only is present in Altec drivers..Thanks for the thought - best regards
Strange lack of synergy? It's got to be the output transformers reaking havock when paired with those crossovers. Impedance issues perhaps?
Well, it really could be anything, right? Two additional impeding mechanisms have to be taken into account when talking about inductance besides the normal resistance of DC circuits: the induction of voltages in conductors self-induced by the magnetic fields of currents (inductance), and the electrostatic storage of charge induced by voltages between conductors (capacitance). The impedance caused by these two effects is collectively referred to as reactance and forms the imaginary part of complex impedance whereas resistance forms the real part.

You are dealing with transformers in your amp output circuit, right? Maybe somehow they are getting saturated?
You might want to ask this question over at

There's lots of guys over there with the knowledge to give you some real, valid guesses backed by experience.