
Many years ago I heard that it was sufficient to ground your equipment in the center screw of a wall socket?

Presently my G is run to a metal rail on balcony which is set in concrete.

Any recommendations on how to best ground ones equipment when living in an upper floor aptment?

Thanks all---R

Specifically i am using a Denon 395 with a Ground terminal on the rear panel. I am not referring to a power cord.

What i may do is get a 10 Gal dirt filled pot and sink the wire right into it on a tent stake or something.
11-05-14: Roscoe50
The Denon 395 has a two wire power cord and plug. The power wiring inside the unit is doubled insulated and thus the unit does not require an earth ground. An earth ground could actually introduce noise into your audio system.

The earth does not possess some magical mystical power that sucks nasties from our audio systems. That is a myth.
+1 to the latest comments by Mofi and Jim (Jea48), including and especially the second paragraph in Jim's post. The intent of that terminal is to allow connection of the ground wire of a turntable. It is not intended for connection to an earth ground. See the diagram on page 6 of the manual.

-- Al
What a fine bunch of alarmists. Faint heart n'e'r won fair maiden.
11-05-14: Geoffkait


I am surprised you didn't recommend the 10 gal pot filled with dirt idea. Sounds like a winner to me. Good rich black organic dirt installed in a copper pot. Just remember to add water to keep the soil moist. What type of plant would you recommend be planted in the pot? I would imagine a marijuana plant would give a relaxed laid back sound.
Thanks for replies. If i have this right then, it is not necessary to ground my 395.