Help a REAL newbie. Please

Hi everyone,

I've recently returned to high end audio after a 20-year absence. I'm very happy with the sound of my set-up, but apparently I missed a few things in computer audio over the last couple of decades :). I have only downloaded one album to iTunes in my life, and I know nothing about hooking up my computer to a stereo system. I don't even own an iPod. I have an Oppo 105 and a Hegel H80 integrated (has an internal DAC). I also have a Macbook Air, but I haven't used it for audio purposes.

Rather than expanding my fairly limited CD collection, I'd like to begin to build a library of high resolution files that can be played on my system. But I really have NO idea where to start. I've had a heck of a time finding a good guide to computer audio that isn't too advanced for me or that covered lots of irrelevant (to me) information. I'm only interested in getting the best audiophile-quality sound I can out of my system.

Do any of you have a suggestion of books, websites, videos, etc. that might get me up to speed relatively quickly on the basics? It's a new world out there for a luddite like me who doesn't even own a cell phone.

Thank you for your time to help out a newbie.

All the best from Oregon,
Please see the Audioquest link below for computer audio setup. This should get you started on computer audio.
Please see the LaCie 3T drive. It connects to your Mac when playing your cd's (always connected). It uses a Thunderbolt cable from the hard drive to your Mac. Does your computer support Thunderbolt? You use a USB cable from the Mac to the Oppo 105. It will work perfectly. I suggest you rip your cd's using the AIFF uncompressed format.

The DAC in the Oppo 105 should be fine.
And if you are not familiar with sites to acquire high resolution downloads try

Or and go to the Super Rez store

I think you've got it. I'm not familiar with the DAC inside the Oppo and the inputs to it you have available. Regardless of which of the two you use, you will likely get an improvement with a good (no need to be the best) USB to SPDIF converter.
Neither am I familiar with the LaCie drive mentioned.
But they sound good conceptually.

BTW, the USB cable from computer to DAC or converter matters much more than the firewire to the music storage. A generic USB will work, though, to get you started.

Have fun!
The web site below provides information for using your MAC (or PC) computer for use as a music server. It is easy to understand and provides all the setup info you need to made your MAC, or PC, to output the audio signal to your DAC.