Newbie question re: USB quality

Thanks to everyone who has guided me to this point that I'm able to even ask this question! I'm learning quickly about computer audio and right now using a USB thumb drive with DSD files plugged into an OPPO 105 (non-Darbee edition). I'm getting good quality sound that is certainly superior to rebook CDs.

However, I've seen it mentioned in various articles on audio websites that USB as the interface has various weaknesses. Usually, this is just stated without any mention of other options. What other ways would I be able to get audio files to my Oppo. I have a Macbook Air, but other than connection via USB from the computer, I don't know if any other way to get files to the Oppo.

Again, I appreciate your willingness to help a technophobic newbie.

Actually while I can not speak in tech terms, I have spoken to a few designers of dac's, including emm labs and dcs, they would strongly disagree with your view. (I recently in my last system I owned the Paganini Master Clock and Debussy dac. I only bring this up because you mentioned I know nothing about clocking). In fact I spoke with an engineer from emm labs today and ask about your point. He laughed. Now since your brought up my system as way of criticizing my knowledge, I have temporally listed it. I will tell you that my digital front end, in my view, is unrivaled. I have had much more expensive systems but none I have enjoyed more. Now if you take that money, that in my view would have been thrown away and add it to your dac money, problem solved. Now I find these posts entertaining because I know better. Others may not. So if your going to attempt a take down of someone make sure you know what you know.
I just noticed you own a benchmark dac1. Is that the HDR? If not it doesn't have USB. How do you even make a comparison? Not only that it was made in 2005. Some things have change in the last close to 10yrs. You preach how your way is better the USB yet you have no USB. You joke about my system that you had never seen nor heard. WOW! Keep posting.
Pkoegz, I've never criticized your system or "brought it up to criticize your knowledge". I don't even know your system. I was joking at idea of keeping everything together like in 70s. Yes, I was questioning your understanding of the jitter and timing - crucial to D/A process. I've never question that USB can be done right but rather tried to show possible benefits of timing removal. It can be done inside or outside of the DAC box but outside converter is more flexible, in my opinion.
Last Sunday, I did some initial critical listening for the first time using USB out from my Gateway laptop to mhdt Constantine DAC (no asynch USB TTBOMK) in my bigger listening room with my biggest/best speakers, the OHM F5 series 3.

I can compare to what I normally hear using network connection to Squeezebox Touch to same DAC via Toslink.

I went in with low expectations, essentially how close could sound quality be with little hope for anything better.

This seemed to hold true. I was pleasantly surprised that sound quality was as good as it was, certainly sound in many ways, nothing inherently bad per-se, but nothing special to distinguish what I heard either. Source was cloud based Amazon Prime Music.

All in all, not bad. I still need to do some more apples/apples comparisons with specific tracks I know well though.

No doubt for me to-date that software and source material used is a big factor for sound quality, even with basic USB. AMazon prime music and PLEX sound pretty good. Mediamonkey has been very unimpressive so far.

It should be no surprise that sound quality of various software programs used to play music can vary greatly. That's an important thing to keep in mind when comparing two different technical approaches to digital music playback. BEyond that, different programs might be configured different ways leading to even more varied results.

Others have pointed out that one thing with computer audio is the wide range of results possible. I would agree. Highly standardized approaches that are designed specifically for music, like SPDIF and Toslink, definitely help level the playing fields.

SO far, I am optimistic that with the right software and source material, even non synchronous USB using a stock USB cable can deliver very satisfying, if not the ultimate, results. THat's definitely not the case with just any particular piece of software used.
Mapman makes a very good point here. There are a LOT of variables involved that can make USB results vary all over the map:

1) ripping software
2) playback software
3) format (wav, AIFF, FLAC etc.)
4) computer and power supply
5) USB cable
6) USB port on the computer used
7) are there other USB devices connected?
8) does the USB interface use the power in the cable?
9) software settings: caching/memory playback, buffer size, ripping with and without Accurate Rip etc..
10) background apps running on the computer

Any of these can cause an non-optimum result.

If you want to minimize all of these, just get an Antipodes server and stream from the USB output. Everything is optimized. I don't sell them, but have used them at shows. Sound amazing.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio