CJ preamp upgrade suggestions

I'm currently considering upgrading my PR16LS2 to one of the following: ET5, ACT2S2 or GAT (the GAT would be a stretch). My system consists of an Esoteric K-03, CJ PR16LS2, CJ LP140M monoblocks, Focal Electra 1008 BE monitors, JL Audio F110 sub, Siltech IC and SC, Running Springs Haley power conditioner and Acoustic Zen Gargantua and Krakatoa PC. Our listening room is 20x22 feet with 9 foot ceilings. We listen mostly to jazz and love vocals and acoustic instruments. Periodically we listen to classic rock and larger scale classical music. I'm at an age where I intend this to be my final set of system upgrades. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Mfoley3, warmest congratulations.

I run a similar system with CJ GAT, ART Monoblocks and the Diablo Utopia also.

Coincidently, I also use Stillpoint Mini Ultras under the GAT.

If you are looking for a more liquid and airy sound, consider using Telefunken E88CCs for the GAT. Provided you don't have a microphonics problem, I've also found removing the supplied tube damping rings to be helpful.
Hi Erictech, thank you for your response. I'm very happy to connect with someone having experience with a system similar to mine! A couple of follow-on questions: 1. In the area of tube rolling, I'm a complete newbie and any info. is particularly appreciated. Did you experiment with other tube types and also can you recommend a reliable source? 2. Have you tried a platform under your GAT? 3. I'm currently using an Acoustic Zen Gargantua power cord on the GAT and the stock cords on the LP140Ms. Have you experimented with the power cords for your GAT and ART monos?
Thanks again!
Nicely done Mfoley.

Did you get any chance to demo an ART3 pre-amp. A little dated, I know. I would love to hear one of those wonderful CJ pre-amps. Keep us posted as your GAT breaks-in. Happy Listening.
Hi Jafant, I did not have the opportunity to hear an ART III. I relied primarily on information from various forums and input from CJ and a CJ dealer to make my decision. Also, I found very few ART III for sale and their price was near that of a GAT. Ultimately, I concluded that the GAT was the "safest" choice.
Hi Mfoley,

1. I've not tried other tubes besides the stock tubes in the GAT and the Telefunkens, but I've done a fair bit of tube rolling in my previous ET3SE. The Genalex Gold Lions are another good alternative, especially if you are looking for a denser and more midrange centric sound. I bought my Telefunkens from Parts Connexion.

2. I've not tried platforms, but many footers I tried actually made the GAT and ET3SE worse. The Stillpoints were one of the few that improved things without taking too much away. However, placement of the footers is critical. The best for my Stillpoints were 4 pieces, two behind and two in front. The front two are directly underneath where the tubes are, while the back two are slightly further in.

3. Both the GAT and ART respond well the power cords. The GAT uses an Acrolink Mexcel 9500 while the ART monoblocks use Acrolink 7N-4030 in my system. Another power cord that worked quite well with my Classic 60 SE which I previously owned is the AET SCR AC EVD. I appreciate that most of these cords are quite hard to find outside of Japan / Asia. Other cables which I thought worked quite well were AZ (which you have), and HiDiamond. I can't remember the exact model, but it was about USD 800. Siltech SPX-800 also sounded quite good.