CJ preamp upgrade suggestions

I'm currently considering upgrading my PR16LS2 to one of the following: ET5, ACT2S2 or GAT (the GAT would be a stretch). My system consists of an Esoteric K-03, CJ PR16LS2, CJ LP140M monoblocks, Focal Electra 1008 BE monitors, JL Audio F110 sub, Siltech IC and SC, Running Springs Haley power conditioner and Acoustic Zen Gargantua and Krakatoa PC. Our listening room is 20x22 feet with 9 foot ceilings. We listen mostly to jazz and love vocals and acoustic instruments. Periodically we listen to classic rock and larger scale classical music. I'm at an age where I intend this to be my final set of system upgrades. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Hi Ericteh,

Thanks for your response.

1. I will wait for the break-in process to finish before I change the tubes and will try the Telefunkens.

2. My Stillpoints are due to arrive this Thursday and I will follow your placement suggestion. While I was at it, I also ordered two sets of (4) Ultra SS, one set for each speaker. I will try those after I've experimented with the Ultra Minis under the electronics. You mention that your Stillpoints experience with the Minis resulted overall in improvement. May I ask you to describe the pluses and minuses? I will also try the Stillpoints under the GAT with and without the Symposium shelf and will report back on my experiences with the above.

3. As far as power cords, I'm glad to hear that you've had a good experience with Acoustic Zen. So have I and will purchase some for the LP140M monos. I'll bet your ART monos are wonderful. I've not heard either them or the LP275Ms, but understand they are wonderful. A friend has the ARTSA. I heard it a year ago when it was paired with an ART II. It was excellent. He has since had the ART upgraded to the ART III specification by CJ. I have not heard it since the upgrade though.

Thanks again for the information - very helpful!
Ericteh, Are the Telefunkens you are using current production or NOS?

Upscale Audio recently purchased a large quantity of brand new, never used NOS NIB (new in box) Telefunken E88CCs and is selling them for a very good price. I would strongly recommend that you try these in a preamp of the quality of the GAT. I can't guarantee that you'll like them but you owe it to yourself to give them a try.

If you buy new Telefunkens elsewhere, make sure they are not the JJs labeled Telefunken currently being manufactured. I haven't compared them but I think most would agree the JJs are not Telefunken quality tubes.
While you're at it, call Kevin Deal at Upscale and discuss what you are looking for in the sound of your tubes. Some people don't like Kevin's manner on the phone, but Kevin knows tubes and tube gear and is a straight shooter, maybe that's why some people don't like him.

He has a great selection of NOS tubes and the best testing gear. You should be able to find the perfect tubes for your GAT along with the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are getting what you paid for.

I have no connection to Upscale and have never met Kevin.
Hi Tomcy6,

Thanks for the tube info and source recommendations. I'll call this week and speak with both parties. Some years ago, I did speak with Kevin. I found his manner aloof, however he seemed very knowledgeable. I've since then read and heard good things about him.

Thanks again!
Hi Mfoley,

The Telefunkens are NOS (not the current production by JJ).

Most ball bearing isolation devices I've heard bring good speed, focus and resolution to a system, but with a tendency to make the overall sound dry and a bit too analytical. The Stillpoints bring all the benefits to the table, but have a surprisingly liquid and smooth top end. However, placement is critical. It takes days of experimentation to find the exact location.

Although using just 3 makes it easier to balance, I found that using four Stillpoints to sound better. They are height adjustable so levelling them is possible.