CJ preamp upgrade suggestions

I'm currently considering upgrading my PR16LS2 to one of the following: ET5, ACT2S2 or GAT (the GAT would be a stretch). My system consists of an Esoteric K-03, CJ PR16LS2, CJ LP140M monoblocks, Focal Electra 1008 BE monitors, JL Audio F110 sub, Siltech IC and SC, Running Springs Haley power conditioner and Acoustic Zen Gargantua and Krakatoa PC. Our listening room is 20x22 feet with 9 foot ceilings. We listen mostly to jazz and love vocals and acoustic instruments. Periodically we listen to classic rock and larger scale classical music. I'm at an age where I intend this to be my final set of system upgrades. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Hi All, I now have about 500 hours on the GAT and I'm very pleased. Concurrent with the break in of the GAT, I've also been breaking in the LP140Ms (they now have about 400 hours on them) which were purchased new and also new Siltech 770L speaker cables (that now have about 300 hours on them) With all of that happening simultaneously, I can't really differentiate among the three in terms of specific sonic impact. However. I'm very pleased with how everything has come together. The sound is highly detailed and dynamic, imaging is very specific and well defined and the soundstage is deeper, wider and higher. Most importantly,instruments and vocals are rendered accurately (at least to my ear) and overall the system is non fatiguing and a pleasure to live with.
I've added four Stillpoints Ultra Minis under the CDP, Pre and amps. I also added 3 Rollerblocks under the RSA Haley power conditioner. The result was an immediate improvement in imaging, soundstage, dynamics and an even quieter background. I had also purchased Stillpoints Ultra SS (4 for each speaker), but those have been returned for exchange as their thread size was inappropriate for the Diablos. I expect to have the correct ones in three days.
I have not yet experimented with the sonic effect of the Symposium shelf under the GAT. I also have not yet added a dedicated circuit for the amps, nor have I ordered the Telefunken 6922 tubes from Upscale. I'll update this post once I have.
Glad to hear that your system has come together so well M. That's what we're all after, that elusive synergy that makes all the trouble and expense worth it.

When you start experimenting with tubes, just have an idea of what effect you would like the tubes to have on the sound of your system and I'm sure you can find a tube that works for you. It may or may not be the Telefunkens, but talking to Kevin is a good place to start.
Hi Tomcy6, while I am quite pleased with the system, I'm also sure that different components might have yielded an even better result. However, given my strong product biases and lack of desire to do extensive A/B comparisons, I'm pleased with my results. I will call Upscale tomorrow and try to speak with Kevin directly regarding the sonic characteristics of the Telefunkens and will also inquire about the strengths and weaknesses of other 6922 alternatives. Thanks for your advice, very helpful.
A quick update - I received the Stillpoints Ultra SS with the correct sized threads. I installed them a week ago and have listened since then. While I don't listen as attentively as many that participate on this forum, I'm confident that the Ultra SS under the speakers have made a noticeable improvement. Like with the minis, the soundstage is a bit larger, deeper and better defined. Images are more specific, transients are cleaner, the bass is tighter and better defined and I believe the same is true for the higher frequencies. Live recordings, acoustic instruments and vocals are more realistically renedered. Interestingly, even poorer recordings seem to have benefitted as their imperfections are less noticeable and irritating. I spoke with Upscale last week, unfortunately Kevin was traveling. The fellow I spoke with highly recommended the telefunken 6922 and they arrived this afternoon. I expect to install them in a few days. I also haven't gotten around to arranging the installation of a dedicated circuit for my amps. I'll provide an update once I've gotten a sense for the new 6922s.