Quiet Amp Cooling Fan

Can anyone point me in the direction of a VERY quiet fan that I could use to increase airflow over my amp? I know about the Parasound Zbreeze, which is now discontinued and also too noisy. A really quiet version of something like that which sat atop the amp would be fine or even a small circular fan which could be mounted to the vertical pole of my rack might do the trick. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Place a thermometer in the area of your amp. I doubt it gets hot enough to need a fan. Especially if you have an open type rack.
Vornado Zippi. Cloth blades, small and dead silent. Amazon.com
has them for under $20 with free shipping.
I hate to say it but if you are in a smaller room that is really quiet, any fan is going to be heard. There is no way to kill it. I have tried.