Anyone with Hearing Aids

Do you listen with or without them....Any tips, etc.
I've been wearing hearing devices for a couple of months and i agree with the comments above. I treat them as another component in my system enjoying their strengths and recognizing their (few) negative aspects. They have provided me with a whole new window on the wonderful music that I had been missing for most of my adult life. Also, I do wear them with my senn 650s, kind of tricky to set the phones on your ears so they don't hit the vol on the devices. I turn down the device volume very low and control vol through the head amp.
Wear the ear horns and enjoy the music.
Stringen, you wrote:
"The name of the company is RESOUND. I don't know if they are good or not, but they seem to work well, and don't intrude with my music. I'm a pro musician and that was a prime concern to me."

Can you kindly tell us what model you have? I went to their website but found trying to evaluate their numerous models confusing.
Thank you
Another option that you may want to research is the General Hearing Instruments Simplicity Hi-Fidelity 270 hearing aids. I bought them a few weeks ago. They are analog and designed for music. They cost $758/pair from Sams Club or a bit more from Walmart, and have to be purchased on line. They can be returned within 90 days. So far, I like them. For me they give instruments a richer tonal color and retain dynamics. They seem to take a while to break in. Since they are analog they have very little signal processing and cannot be adjusted to boost specific frequencies. I believe they amplify up to around 8,000 Hz so you do not sense a lot of upper highs, but the mid range is very nice. They do not have an affect on bass.