How Things Change

When I look back at some of the posts that I made in years gone by I often feel like I am reading the opinions of a misguided friend. I am being kind to myself here. So many things have changed. How do you feel about what you wrote about various audio subjects in the past?
Very reflective thread, Sabai. You deseve a lot of credit.

I consider this whole audio thing a journey. That being the case, evolution goes hand in hand with that. I am sure there are some here who began their Audiogon life as devout solid state muscle amp users, and now love SET, or once felt that wire is wire. I would encourage people to accept with gladness how their perspective has changed, and not see themselves as you mentioned, misguided. But you're right, it's interesting to look at some of the things we've posted long ago.
Sabai, I don't always agree or even understand some of the things you've posted about, but I'm really glad you're willing to share what you're doing. It's interesting and thought provoking.

Trelja brings up the concept of the journey. For me the journey is about my relationship with music, not equipment. By necessity I've had to deal extensively with equipment, we all do. But consider this, you're going to take a road trip across the continent, is the trip really about your tire's tread pattern and your gearbox shift programs or is it about the places you see and the people you meet.
I tend to state things with less certainty knowing now that there are so many reasons (some unfathomable) as to why some folk feel the way they do. This doesn't lessen the strengths of my beliefs in any way but I now give folk a lot more latitude.

There is so much out there that hasn't been heard and won't be heard by any of us so all we can relate to is what we know, and that is never enough.

All the best,
Think of your consciousness as a camera lens and your knowledge as auto-focus.
As your knowledge expands, you focus on different things or see a previous road traveled in a new light.
Another way of looking at it: It was patently
obvious(providing they could see) to the earliest Aeronautical
Engineers, that Bumblebees could fly. A problem existed,
however, in that early Science could not provide an
explanation as to how or why, let alone hovering.
Understanding was limited to the principles of lift(per
Bernoulli). Not until scientists began the recent study of
Fluid Dynamics, could they fathom how those small wings,
regardless of how fast they might flap, could possibly get
such a fat ass off the ground! There are a plethora of things
audible to those that can hear and/or are willing to listen,
explanations notwithstanding. Many things that we don't know
how to quantify or explain(YET).