What's a Triode configuration?

It was suggested that for future consideration that if I upgrade, that the selection of a Triode preamp with Solid State regulation combined to a Solid State Amp would be a better musical combo to me. My dreams are to look for Audio Research when I do but, would an AR pre amp fit this description? or would I be considering some different brands? as I don't know the differences or how to distinguish them when referring to tube equipment?
You are right, i have a gain mismatch. The power amp's input sensitivity is too high. I have a decision to make since padding down the preamp would change the sonic signature.
Jeffery, Thank you for that explaination that helped greatly and I think I understand better now. Yeah I know that the audio world has changed over the years and I'm holding on to some older goals, can't help that I've always loved AR, Levinson and Classe products (I'm an old SS fan) that's all. I have heard some very nice CJ line stages before and yes it was nice. as well as ARs mated with the before mentioned SS amps and they were simply georgous! Now a days I won't go back to shopping for new due to cost, so I do a ton of inquiry to help educate myself. My musical tastes are all over but centeralize mostly on softer rock, I could go back to an Aragon Amp again (that was a nice peice) mated with a Tubes Pre but I would like to concentrate on a Classe as that was Apogee's reference and maybe an earlier amp would have just a bit more bottom end extention as well again. Thanks to everyone your help has been greatly appreciated.