want to try a SET but where to start, I have......

A pair of klipsch, I believe they are rated at 94 db.
I have read previous threads on SET, and this is what I got.
The 300b have generally the most bloom, and the 845 run closest to neutral.
The 2a3 usually come in units with anywhere from 2-5 watts

I hope I got most of the facts right.
I would like that SET magic I always here about, can get enough power from a 2a3 unit or would a 845 work better with the 94 db speakers.

I would also like the unit to be intergrated with a remote
Am I asking too much?
Any recommendations would be greatly Appreciated
Thank you for your time
Hello Carlo, For the type of music you mostly listen to and the Klipsch speakers, I'd strongly recommend that you also take some non-commercial offer (ie, DIY offer) into consideration. If you don't listen terribly loud or don't have a big listening space, then a really good SE300B amp will do the trick. I have 6SN7/76/300B and 6SN7/27/45 amps from John Hogan and have auditioned these amps with his Klipsch Cornalls and Lascala. This 300B amp ate the AN Quests for dinner in my system and is in the same ballpark with Fi 2A3 monos & Korneff linestage combo (different flavor, that is). For around $1K, I really cannot think of many expensive commercial SETs that can even touch it. The only potential caveat I can see is whether you will like its appearance....I am getting to like them a lot. Other than that, it will probably come down to the matters of voicing and system matching. Regards, TC
I was in your shoes just very recently before deciding on a SET amp for my system. What I found helpful was the following 3-part article by 6moons:

The article lists lots of SET amp manufacturers, SET-friendly speaker manufacturers and also has an interview with the owner of Wavelength Audio - a very well respected SET designer - in which he discusses the three things you need to know when matching a SET amp to speakers.

By the way, I decided on an Art Audio PX25 which is a SET tube somewhat similar to the 300B but superior to it in most respects according to Joe Fratus the owner of Art Audio who also makes a 300B amp. Art Audio amps can be ordered with a volume control making them a single source integrated amp. Another SET manufacturer with lots to choose from including integrated amps is Audion but I caution you that some members here have had terrible servicing issues or shipping damage or suspect product quality issues . . .

Hope this is of some help.
tw2-thanks for the recommendation it will look into DIY in my area

kevinzoe- interesting article, what I though would be a simple decision has become quite a bit more...

great information guys, thumbs up

It occured to me that the link to the second and third SET articles at 6moons that I made reference to isn't within the first article so here they are:



I think you'll find articles 2 & 3 more meaningful and helpful.

Happy SET amp hunting . . .