want to try a SET but where to start, I have......

A pair of klipsch, I believe they are rated at 94 db.
I have read previous threads on SET, and this is what I got.
The 300b have generally the most bloom, and the 845 run closest to neutral.
The 2a3 usually come in units with anywhere from 2-5 watts

I hope I got most of the facts right.
I would like that SET magic I always here about, can get enough power from a 2a3 unit or would a 845 work better with the 94 db speakers.

I would also like the unit to be intergrated with a remote
Am I asking too much?
Any recommendations would be greatly Appreciated
Thank you for your time
A vote for Viva amps, I use the Solista integrated to great effect onto Living Voice speakers. I had a long chat with Kevin scott who makes LV speakers which run at 94db sensitivity as your Klipsch speakers. I was querying whether the 8 Watt welborne monoblocks would do. The answer was that they would for small scale, Jazz, solo singers and chamber music. For large scale orchestral, then 16 to 18 was what you needed, the Viva puts out 17 and does'nt sound strained with any musical form. I think you would argue a similar requirement for your speakers.
I agree with the last post, SET's do not have mushy base when well executed with good transformers. It just is'nt the easiest amplifier design to get right, that means it ain't the cheapest either

I have Wright mono 3.5's 2a3 set amps paired with Klipsch Cornwalls, 99 db sensitivity. The combination is great. Plenty of vloume, dynamics and good bass with unbelievable mids and highs. Klipsch speakers do very well with flea powered amps.

I bet Cowboy Junkies sound great on that bottlehead Cary. What about AV fair like Cowboy Bebop? Anybody hooked it up to a dvd player and tried an action movie?