How to tame remote volume control on TAD-150


So finally I got the Signature TAD-150 Preamp along with TAD-60 Poweramp from Paul at It sounds awsome ... just as described by all, but I have practical losgitical issue.

The gain on TAD-150 shoots up very quickly - giving me just two or three steps on remote to reach at good listening volume. I am allowed to listen to music mostly at low to low-med listening volumes.

Is there any solution for it?
Are there other preamps at this price range where the volume pot gain has gradual slope instead of shooting up quickly.

Speakers - Von Schweikert VR1 with VRS Sub
TRL modded Sony SACD
Signal Cables

Fixed in line attenuators such as made by Rothwell will give you another 10db of movement in your volume control. The cost about $60 for a pair and can be found on the 'net. They have been mentioned here before - you should find them if you do a search.
I got this off Paul's website regarding the TAD-60:

"The TAD-60 volume control is generally turned fully right when using a TAD-150 preamplifier to drive it. Fully right bypasses the volume control creating a direct line connection to the first tubes. If you find the preamplifier volume control rotation is not wide enough, try turning the TAD-60 volume control down slightly. This makes you turn the preamp volume control more to achieve the same volume – giving you a more user friendly range. Generally most designers try to obtain a 12:00 setting for full volume. Numerous system variables: source output voltage, amplifier gain and speaker efficiency affect how far you need to turn the volume knob to achieve a certain level."

I am waiting for the exact same equipment from Paul. When did your gear arrive and where you on the second tier? I am really looking forward to hearing this gear.
>I am allowed to listen to music mostly at low to low-med listening volumes.<

Ok, I gotta ask. Is it your mother or your wife who dictates this?
