Which Int. Amp with Spendor 3se Cyrus Linn MF AVI

My Linn Majik sounds pretty good with the wonderful Spendor 3Se but wondering if I could do better. Maybe I can't do better. Have been looking at:

Musical Fidelity X-150
Musical Fidelity X-Pre v3/X-P200 Combo
Cyrus 8vs
Cyrus 6vs
AVI S21MI Intergrated Amp (might be out of my budget)
Meridian Integrated

Looking at smaller equipment because I'm trying to fit everything into a small Q4? Quadrispire stand.

Associated Equipment: Linn Majik, MF X-DAC v3, MF-PSU, AE streaming lossless music, Linn Silver IC, Linn K400 speakerwire.

Also, might use Kimber Silverstreak and 8TC with the MF equipment. Not sure what I would use with the Cyrus.

I appreciate any help, Adam
Congrats on choosing the MF. I'm sure you'll like it. I'm an MF owner as well. But I've heard the AVI and was extremely impressed. A superb value for an amp.
Thanks for posting to my thread. I wanted to hear that AVI amp in Austin but the guy was closed last time I was down there. There is one used on Audiogon now. I'm tempted but it's probably overkill with Spendor S3e's... maybe not :)
I would strongly recommend getting down to Austin when the guy is open. That's a superb integrated amp with both a lot of power and finesse. I'm sure you'll like it alot.
I use it with 3/5se. Used to have a Majik which is a nice amp, but the Cyrus is a whole different level. More detailed, "tighter" sound without being harsh.