Bryston Power Amp users - what power cord?

What power cord do you use for your Bryston amp?

Also, do you use any surge protector or power conditioner?
Bryston is now distributing the Plitron filter/conditioners. I expect to see a change in the party line.

Shortly after I bought my Bryston amps several years ago, I bought some AudioQuest power cords that were on sale at HCM Audio (regularly $120 each, on sale for $49). To be frank, I couldn't tell any difference between the AQ's and the stock power cords.

I have most of my system plugged into Monster Power HTS-2000 power conditioners, which provide a useful -- altho' not dramatic -- improvement in the overall sound quality (mainly reduced noise level).

Bryston amps are designed with professional use in mind, so their circuitry is pretty robust and does not seem to benefit a lot from after-market power cords and gizmos -- at least, that's my experience.
chris v's flavor 2 cord are on my friends 7sts and he has it connected to psaudio ulhc with great results
I use a PS Audio P1000 and it handles the 4BSST quite well. I use a PS Audio statemnet power cord as insurance however i will read their website. Mike
With the Brystons, don’t waste your money with power cords. A Signal Cable Magic Power or a JP Cables “zero gauge” will do just fine if, for aesthetic reasons, the stock cord gets on your nerves. The JP (maybe) sounded a little fuller? Or was I just impressed by something that looks like a Boa sticking out of my wall? Who knows, beyond a certain point, it’s merely hysteria. I tried a few other cords with the Brystons and they always sounded the same. I owned both the 7 BST and 7 BSST. Same conclusion for Pass X-600s. I have dedicated outlets and use no power conditioning for the amps.

The aftermarket power cords were the most telling on the transport, DAC and phono preamp on my system. However, megabuck-priced ones were not part of my auditions. (I have fallen off the expensive PC bandwagon so please take that into consideration.) The Brystons are superb amps, I hope you enjoy them.

Best regards,