Downsized and still happy, can it happen?

I would like to hear from those who have moved from separates to an integrated amp in their system and your experience in doing so. Any buyers remorse in selling the separates? Are you still running the integrated or now considering separates again? Do you still get the same level of satisfaction from the system? Which pre/power amp did you have and what integrated replaced them?

Lately I find myself constantly considering and researching high quality integrated amps and admiring them for the all in one solution. I have all these components, powercords, conditioners and interconnects that I could unload and then replace with fewer higher quality versions. That is pretty much what is driving me into this little sidebar consideration.
Of cause this can happen very easily. I have a friend that had high $ system but used cheapo interconnects and powercords. He sold the system and bought the combo unit and invested some of the money in good interconnects and powercords. He is now very happy. This is all about system synergy. A $50k system will sound like $5k system for lack of good quality interconnects or powercords.
I ran an Aragon 2004 MkII with a Forte 40 preamp, driving a pair of Mirage m5's for a long time...I recently sold all of it and went to a Jolida JD-302B tube integrated with a Jolida JD-100 cdp and a pair of PSB Stratus Silvers and couldn't be happier!! It was like a breath of fresh air to try something different....will I ever go back to separates again? Who knows.....but, change can be a good thing...even if it lets you hear something in a different way for a period of time....that's what this is all about, isn't it?....the road to musical nirvana!
I bought the new Jeff Rowland integrated and couldn't be happier. I now quit thinking of upgrading all the time. Much less stress!
Maybe I'll move my Marantz SR19EX receiver (don't laugh, I love that thing) into the main rig for a few days to see what happens. Just a little flavor change and see how I react to the new sound...I've never A/B'ed it with the Pass Labs stuff :) If I switch to an integrated I'm not just looking for different, I want improvements over what I am hearing now.
Dude, I've been there done that and lived through it, and yes I am happy. I used to have VTL seperates, and switched to a Cary Sli-80 and loved it. The system is far simpler, as you pointed out and I get much more enjoyment out of it. Now, luckly I had speakers that allowed me to go to another amp very easily, 92db Coincident. The vtl was a VTL 150 and the Cary is only 80 max, but I listened to it in 40 watt triode most of the time.
You can do this if you take the time and find the right integrated for you. My big suggestion would be to make sure that you want tubes or SS before you choose.