How important is aesthetics to you in purchasing

audio equipment? For example, there are certain brands that are supposed to sound spectacular, but just look terrible. do you go for the sound or looks or ???
thanks for your input.
If good music is a work of art, then should not good music reproduction equipment also be a work of art? To my mind good design is a reflection of the passion, dedication and thought put into a product. Ideally, aesthetics and performance should go hand and hand.
I love to have good looks along with my good sound, but I have some good looking stuff, and some not-so-good looking stuff. Sound is the first priority, but good looks never hurts, if nothing sonically is sacrificed to get it.
I prefer the looks of open architecture tube amps and would not purchase a "boxed in" amp or one where the transformers sit in front of the tubes hiding them from view. I also would not purchase an over-styled garish product such as the current Musical Fidelity products or an ugly horn type speaker so yeah I think aesthetics are very important.