ARC SP11 vs ARC LS22 ???

Can anyone who had the opportunity to listen to the both tell me what he thinks about those preamps ?

Is the old famous SP11 always competitive in front of more recent ARC products ?

Thanxs for your help,
Best regards,
Never heard the SP11 but the LS22 was one of the worst preamps that ARC designed. Any old ARC dealer will confim my opinion of the 22. This preamp is just not musical at all.

Happy Listening.

It seems that many peole do not like this preamp, but I sometimes listen some good point of views about it....

As a generality, I find it very hard to get a common point of view about ARC preamps : for a same products, many people like it, whereas many people hate it.

I just noticed two things : I haven't found bad comments about SP11 and most of the time, the LS25 is well appreciated.

That's why I was hesitating between those both.
And since someone told me that LS22 was really near the LS25, then I ask the question beetween the SP11 and the LS22.

What would you recommand me as for an ARC preamp ?
(I own a Pass Aleph amplifier, that is hard to make work).

What do you think about current LS16 et SP16 products ?

Thanxs for your help,
Hi Steve, I've had the LS-22. I must say it is too colored, midrange sounds bloated. There is also some upper midrange emphasis that can make music sounding harsh. I think using a tube Conrad-Johnson preamp, a better ARC preamp like the LS-25, the Reference One or Two or a good solid state one could ameliorates these problems. I'm not familiair with the LS-16.