DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
Regarding the greed or mark up on pricing, and whether its due to curency movement (can;t explain the whole move up)...I think that is all beside the pt. If the product is very popular and supply is limited, prices will go up. Mfrs, distributors and retailers are all expected to maximize profits and whether they do so excessively to damage long-term relationships is judgement they have to make, just like any economic concern. All we can do as consumers is to decide whether the product is worth it at its new elevated price and/or whether we can afford it and act accordingly. No need to get all worked up about it in my book.
Kevinkwan: Since you do not know me either and want to make a joke out of this, so be it. That is your choice. Many of the people involved, even those accusing me of things, know the truth. I am 100% honest about all that has occurred. It certainly is easy enough to twist the truth as some have proven here.

BTW, The current President is an alien, isn't he?

I'm afraid you are right. Still waiting for an audition of de dartzeel amp in my system. But I did heard the pricing in the Netherlands.
That would be 18000 euro. That's 21500 dollar!!!

I do not often participate but feel compelled to do so now that the smoke seemed to clear.

1. Break in is real and will vary from component to component. My Verity Parsifal Encores sounded absolutely horrible when new. Also, I have read countless reviews where the reviewer mentioned that they ran in a component in a separate room for X amount of weeks prior to audition. If a reviewer does not have the time or facilities to insure that the product is properly auditioned (proper room, associated components, etc), then they should not be in the business of reviewing.

2. People in general may have their own agendas. It is no secret to people that have some connection to this world that money sometimes talks. Advertising dollars and $$$ in general can sometimes have an impact on a review. That is why reviews (along with a lack of respect some may have for individual reviewers), must be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, like every other profession, some reviewers are better than others.
One quick story to validate my point - At the stereophile show this year, I overheard a reviewer (not a stereophile reviewer) talking with a friend. He stated that he asked a speaker manufacturer (fairly well know but I will not mention any names) what they can do on a pair of XX model speakers. The reviewer was bragging that he got the speakers outright (a $7,000 pair) and the reviewer mentioned to his friend that he will have to write something good about the product. I overheard this story when I was helping a manufacturer break down his room.
Keep in mind that I believe that many reviews are honest ones. The problem is that the public will never know which ones they are.

3. I am a customer of Jtinn. That is because he is the most knowledgable, honest, reliable, caring person I have met in my 25+ years in audio. His customers needs come before the sale. For example, my friend was interested in the Dartzeel amp. Jtinns first question was 'Which speakers are you using? He then responded by saying that he believes the speakers are too inefficient for the amp and wound up selling him nothing.

4. I have owned various State of the art amps, and the dartzeel has exceeded my every expectation. A truely INCREDIBLE product.

And NO!!!! Jtinn did NOT put me up to writing this response.
Although as I stated previously, I am done with my involvement in this thread, I DID promise Hooper (Andy) during our chat the other night that I would post to confirm that he and I discussed our issues in this gentleman's hobby in a gentlemanly manner. So I am keeping that promise. Andy, it was good chatting with you the other night and I am glad we continue to be friends despite our different tastes in gear.

I won't be at the next SE Mich Audiophile meeting on 11/12 as I will be out of town (it was originally set for 11/5 a day I WAS avaialable) - I hope to see you at the next meeting.