Linn Chakra poweramps

Has anybody heard one of this new amps? I'm pleased with just stereo so I consider the Linn Chakra c2100.
I discuss my experiences with the C3100 and C4100 in the November Stereophile.

I heard the Chakra c2100 last week, and was very impressed. It is the model designed to replace the LK 140, which in my opinion was a great amp for the money and still is on the used market. The c2100, when paired with an Ikemi,an Exotik preamp, and driving Espeks (passive) was really a striking improvement over the LK 140 - I was very impressed.
Earlier tonight I heard an A/B of the Chakra c2100 ($2350 new) and my Linn 2250 ($3300 list less than a year ago) driving some Espeks. The c2100 was, I am sad to say as a 2250 owner, noticeably clearer and more open. My 2250 is much more powerful, and I would say did a better job of controlling the speakers and delivering the music over all as a result. (I don't think the guy I was listening with thought so, but that was my opinion). But when I did an A/B with the c2200 ($3650) it was not even remotely close. The c2200 just about obliterated my 2250 (which is actually a great amp) and I left my dealer's shop with a bad case of audio lust in my heart.

Kal, I have no idea why Linn sent you the c2100 when you asked for the big boys. It seems like they really did themselves a disservice. I know you gave the c2100 a very solid review, as it clearly deserves, but the c2200 is a different animal entirely. Make sure you hear one.