Which Tube Preamp under $10K?

I am seeking to replace my Audio Research LS16. $10K is a hard upper limit which must include a phono stage. It matters not if it is built-in or a separate component, but It should be decent. So, in terms of a new line stage for $8500 or less, I'm currently considering The CJ CT5, one of the VACs, the VTL 6.5 and perhaps the BAT 31SE or not yet released ARC LS26. I am driving a pair of Bel Canto Evo 2 Gen II monoblocks which are driving B&W Nautilus 803s. I like the tube sound, maybe even on the sweet side for some tastes. The older CJ gear has always been a touch dark for me, but the newer stuff is said to have lightened up considerably. So, speed, dimensionality and a tubelike upper midrange are where I want to go with this purchase. All comments and suggestions welcome.
Also, for that kind of money why not just have custom line stage built? We can do that for a lot less money that you are talking about. It would use a 5842 for the driver tube and quality output transformers.

Duke is one of the most, if not THE most, ethical dealers here. He always offers good advice, often about products he doesn't sell, and never bad-mouths anyone else or their products. And he always discloses that he is a dealer! What more could you want?

But the best part...he has always been a perfect gentleman, which is more than I can say for some other dealers who frequent Audiogon.

I have never purchased anything from Duke and I don't know him personally, but I appreciate his humility, his candor, his willingness to help and his ethics.
I, for one, can say that I do not, have not and probably never will feel this way about your posts (see stanhifi). They (your posts) are indeed some of the more informative with your position and biases always clearly stated.
IMO it woould be a real shame if you ever "thought twice" about posting as you so generously do.
This is just my opinion, as is Stanhifi's, none better than the other, but offered for your consideration.

Thanks, Glide3 and Fiddler, for your kind words.

Stan doesn't object to my making "informative" posts, just "commercial" ones. And frankly my post on this thread was more commercial than informative.

Don't worry about my posting tapering off; I'll still be tossing out my $.02 on such arcane subjects as power compression and directivity index. I like the sound of my own keyboard clacking away too much to lay off.


I like my McIntosh C22 Commemerative. But my tweaked MX110 is not that far behind.