Which Tube Preamp under $10K?

I am seeking to replace my Audio Research LS16. $10K is a hard upper limit which must include a phono stage. It matters not if it is built-in or a separate component, but It should be decent. So, in terms of a new line stage for $8500 or less, I'm currently considering The CJ CT5, one of the VACs, the VTL 6.5 and perhaps the BAT 31SE or not yet released ARC LS26. I am driving a pair of Bel Canto Evo 2 Gen II monoblocks which are driving B&W Nautilus 803s. I like the tube sound, maybe even on the sweet side for some tastes. The older CJ gear has always been a touch dark for me, but the newer stuff is said to have lightened up considerably. So, speed, dimensionality and a tubelike upper midrange are where I want to go with this purchase. All comments and suggestions welcome.
Both the Hovland and the Nagra preamps are excellent. I think either would be an excellent candidate, and both are available with quality phono. I own a supratek Syrah which I would also wholeheartedly recommend a supratek product, but there is a long wait for a new one. My syrah has an excellent tube line stage, amazing tube phono stage, remote controlled, top notch build and looks for $2500 retail. (I think the chenin is around $2900 now). not too many competitors in that price range
Wyetech Opal. All the benefits of a SS pre -- speed, deep tight bass, detail, wide bandwith -- with the soundstaging and naturalness of a tube pre. I think it goes for about $8500 new. You will hardly ever see them on the used market. I replaced a Hovland HP100 with the Opal. The Hovland is excellent in its price range, but the Opal is an entirely different dimension. It also is beautiful with incredible build quality.

Found a used VAC Phi 2.0 for under $10K, and altho I don't use it, the phono stage is supposed to be one of the very best around. In addition, the support of Kevin Hayes at VAC is truly unbelievable. Build quality is also about as good as it gets - likewise for the sound, IMO. Since VAC was on your list, I would definitely consider giving Kevin a call - he may be able to turn you on to a used Phi 2.0, or help locate one you can hear. I bought mine sight unseen and unheard and couldn't be happier. Good Luck.