What amp with Innersound Eros ?

What kinds of amplifiers have you used with your Innersound Eros (active) speakers ? I'm interested in the observations of people who have owned or tried a variety of power amps with these speakers, particularly tube amps.
Peferably an amp with humongous amount of power. I would try for 1000 watts if you could. I just couldn't get enough power for these speakers with a 300 watt amp. If you play music very quiet then you might be OK with less, but I always felt I was at a lack for power unless using big power amps.
I know this is going to start something on here but I have used several amps with a set of EROS mk2 and now on Mk 3.5.
Bryston 4bst and7Bst. Ear 519 Tube and finally a set of Atma-sphere Ma1 Silvers both as stock and now with resistor and power supply upgrade by Atma-sphere.
The Ma1 OTL amps are without a doubt fantastic with these speakers. The brystons were good and the 7B's are known to drive difficult loads but nothing I have heard sound as good as the silvers. I do use Speltz autoformers with the speakers. I find that I don,t actually need them but I was told they may prolong tube life?
Another heresy is that I no longer use the internal crossover amp on the base speakers. I have found that tube amps sounds better on bass also. I realise what I am saying here but I trust my ears and this was an easy call.
Definition of transparency must be this set up.
I tried the InnerSound amp... It was decidedly bright on the Eros. Also, the upper bass was a bit thin. But maybe you'd like a bright, thin, but dynamic sound. :)

Then again, the Innersound amp sounded pretty good on the Eros when I used it with a tube preamp that plumped the upper bass and rolled the top a bit.
i huge mac_at least a 352(350w per channel), would drive them just fine....very neutral too...no edginess