Confusion reigns - tube amp,ss amp, integrated..??

I've been reading a lot of threads here (and on the Audio Asylum) and I am just getting more and more confused.

I am coming from the simple world of SS receiver and separate SS power amp - Rotel gear, as you can see from my Virtual System. I am trying to find a more musical system, but I still need to have a system that can be used for HT.

I am changing out my speakers to Cain & Cain Abbys - single drive (Fostex 166E) high efficiency speakers (95dB.) My Teres turntable is also a keeper, as is my phono stage. These are about the only decisions I have been able to firm up! So, I am building my system around these components.

I need either an integrated amp or separates - pre amp/power amp. I thought tubes would be best for the Abbys, but then again, maybe the pre should be solid state with a tube amp - or is the other way around better? You see how unknowing I am! An integrated amp might be a bit of a compromise, but might also fit my budget better. :-~

This is what I need the system to do: I need to be able to run my CD drive, a DVD drive, my phono stage and a subwoofer, as well as, of course, front speakers. If I end up getting rid of my receiver, an option for rear and center speakers would be a plus, though I may forgo surround sound (5.1) with my new system.

My budget is around $10,000 (gulp) which is both limiting, I realize, and more than I wanted to spend. :rolleyes: I would like this budget to include a new CD-player - I am considering the Musical Fidelity A5 - so I guess my actual amp/preamp budget is around $8000.

Please help me if you can!

I have a good receiver in a HT setup and wanted to get to a much higher level of 2 channel performance. I decided to go for an integrated with a HT pass through so the integrated would be literally "integrated" and the amp section can be used for HT with a flip of a switch but otherwise dedicated to 2 channel CDP or TT. I also wanted to do tubes (although my speakers are not as efficient as yours), and ended up with a VAC Avatar Super, which has worked very very well and provided all of what I was looking for. It has line level outs which can be run to subwoofer(s) if you want. It has phono, and 3 other inputs. Check out the threads on seperates vs. integrateds. I hope this helps.
With a quality subwoofer your speakers should work quite well. A high quality tube amp based on the 300b tube is an obvious choice or, for more power which you probably don't need, look to a 845 or 211 based tube amplifier.

For a quality 300b amplifier for not a small fortune as well as a good line stage check out Wright Audio products. Wright is working on a new line stage that is a no holds barred unit and will retail for about 2000 or a bit less. George Wright's 300b amps are a good value but definitely not the last word.

With your budget you can afford to acquire a quality CD player as well as a hand built 300b integrated amp that will mate perfectly with your speakers. Please let me know if you'd like to learn more; I only use the best NOS/current production parts and you will love the results.
first of all rotel makes fine ss gear. secondly unless you are prepared to give up a lot bass and high frequencies, there are a whole lot of options without buying cain and cain abbeys.
Jaybo - I have no complaints about the Rotel gear I have, I just want something "mo' better!" As for the Abbys, I was completely wowed by their sound - and their looks - when I audtioned them. I am definitely buying them, should have them in my house the first week of November.

Maineiac - The VAC Avatar Super looks like a very nice unit. What receiver are you using?

C123666 - I have read good things about Wright Audio; their phono stage was on my short list before I decided on the Holfi, which I was able to audition locally at Teres Audio. From your comment: "I only use the best NOS/current production parts and you will love the results" it sounds as if you build tube amps....? If so, I would indeed be interested in more info. Also, what "quality CD player" are you suggesting? Either way, I am guessing that I would still need some sort of receiver/processor to match with the amp in order to use my DVD player. Or am I still confused?!? :-~

Thank you all for your responses.

I've ditched HT, and spent my money on fewer, higher quality two channel components. You can still run your DVD player thru a high quality 2 channel system and have nice results. With a high quality 2 channel system, you won't have to worry as many bells and whistles, and can sink your money into fewer, but higher quality components.
I am indeed considering getting rid of my rear speakers, and possibly my center, but still would like the sub for movies. Quite a few people have mentioned that just running the front speakers for HT works very well indeed. After all, I don't have a dedicated HT room, so my system's surround sound impact is already compromised!

I haven't seen many tube amps that have a DVD input, however. What are you using, Pdreher?
