Would Jadis Orchestra work for Dunlavy IV?

I realize that the ORC has only 40 watts/channel and Dunlavy IVs do better with more watts and solid state amps ( I know, since my main system has two Classe CA-400s driving Dunlavy Vs), but for my second system I want to try tube sound and compact but clean system. I would probably use Jadis CD player with the system.

Your thoughts? TIA
Thanks Rcprince. The other alternative is to go with Cary Integrated. Starting with 300SEI and may be up to SLI80.
I own a pair of SC-III's and have been very impressed driving them with a PrimaLuna Prologue 1. It's rated at 35wpc using EL34s. Before it I was using a Krell integrated with 150wpc. The PL is a significant improvement. Although I did lose a very small amount of bass slam, overall there is much more bass. I'd give the Jadis a try you just might be surprised with the result.
As much as I like the Cary products, the Jadis is a different league in terms of refinement, in my opinion. If you've heard the Jadis midrange you'll know what I'm talking about--there's a naturalness to the Jadis electronics that is very rarely heard. SC-IIIs might be a better match for the lower powered integrated, as they don't have the lowest bass that puts more demands on the amp, but I still think that it will work with your IVs as well, just don't expect bass "slam" or particularly tight, well-controlled bass (it will be full, though), especially if you use EL-34s.
I ve try many different tube amplifers with my dunlavy sc-IV a few years ago.I think the BAT VK-60 is the best match for the dunlavy.
Pierre Gabriel, the US distributor suggested that the Jadis DA-30 would do a better job on Dunlavy IVs due to its all of 30 Watts Class -A power. It would perform twice the power as compared to ORC. I am really tempted. I am going to audition these amps at the local dealer. Too bad I can't take my IVs with me. I would try to bring the amps home for audition if they let me.