Best phono preamp? Want world class the best

I recently started to listen to vinyl, my set up is clear audio emotion table/arm grado cartridge. For phono stage I am using an ear834 deluxe.I was happy with what I was hearing on my merlins driven by sim w-5. Until I brought my ear to a show room to compare to new components, on first listening it appeared the same but then I realized there was a sense of life like sound on his $7000.00 martinson phono. This is just to high of a price for me. I am seeking to get the best sound out there, the martinson is solid state so I realized I don't have to go with tubes. My budget is up to $2000.00 for used, BUT I want the best sound possible. I will be upgrading table and cartidge soon.
Perdillo, either you want 'world-class'...'the best'....or you want the best phono stage for around $2000 used. they are not the same thing.

if you want world class they will start around $7k and go up to $40k at retail.

OTOH there are some wonderful used phono stages for the $2k used. at around $3k+ used you will start finding used phono stages that had retailed for around $7k; some of these will get you close to world-class phono stage performance; but not quite all the way there.

some examples of excellent $3k to $4k used phono stages would be the Manley Steelhead, the Aesthetix Io, and the Lamm LP2. any of these would get you to the level just below world-class. there are likely a few others to consider.

i am less familiar with the best used phono stages around $2k, as those would have had to be about $4k to $5k at retail.....i have not spent time with any units in that are currently in that price range.

BTW, there are some 'giant-killers' out there to be sure; and also clever mod jobs and even DIY phono stages that can be very special. my above comments refer to off-the-shelf units that are known to me.
If you can find a used Blue Circle BC23, Gilbert Yeung will rebuild it into something way beyond what he sells retail. There are three major levels of upgrades and some others.

Upgrades to BC23

While I sell Blue Circle this is something from Gilbert you can't buy in a store.
Pedrillo, that phono stage you have is an excellent one. Are you sure you are not in that zone of "gotta have something else?" The reason I ask is that you didn't mention the rest of the system that you heard that $7K phono stage with. Could it be that it was the SYSTEM that convinced you to desire a COMPONENT and if so, perhaps upgrading your cartridge or other component could be the single most cost-effective means to improve your SYSTEM.

I too often get into that "mode" and am just trying to prevent you from falling into a situation I have found myself in more than once; the outcome that, after I installed an expensive component, I was sure would tremendously improve my system, I found myself asking, hmm, what have I done and, maybe I should have invested more wisely.

Hopefully that is not the case for you but just wanted to help if possible. $7K is a lot of money to drop on a phono stage alone, and believe me I pine for a Aesthetix Rhea or Manley Steelhead but for now, I'm gonna live with my lesser stages.
There are many to listen to. I like the BAT vk-p10se, and was very impressed with the EAR 324. You do not have to spend the most to get great performance.