Special birthday audio gift to yourself?

Just turned the big 50, and for some 30 years have always wanted a tube based audio system. I have paired a 55 watt SQ-88 integrated tube amp with a pair of Von Schweikert VRjr4's. Very musical combination.Certainly the best birthday present to myself ever. Wondered what special somethin..somethin..others have treated themselves too for their speacial day.
My birthday was this past Oct. and I treated myself to an Audio Research PH3, bought right here at A'gon! Listening to it as I type this, truthfuly, it took my LP playback to an exciting new level.
Treated myself to B&W 804s for the big four-ohhh... but they didn't last long: something odd in the balance (cross-over??) and ultimately too much bass for my room. So I swapped 'em for Signature 805s and haven't looked back (two years and going)!
Hey guys, those are some nice birthday gifts to get oneself!! My 30th b-day is coming up on Nov 15 but I've already purchased my quota of audio stuff for the year. :( Oh well, I'm loving my system right now and don't want to change anything. Happy Birthday to all....
Hoping to spend about $5000-7000 on new speakers in about 14 months, for my big 5-0.
I'll be researching and listening to everything in the meantime.
Congrats to all who've made it this far!!!
Two years ago I was able to sell my wife on letting me purchase some fabulous ICs for my rig. Well, it's now two years later, and my birthday, though a few months aways, wish to my wife was about a new cdp. Now, this was just a tad more (a big tad at that) than my ICs. Didn't go over very well. "You know I love you honey and would love to make this happen for you. You better get out there and tutor, baby." I guess I'll gave to take whatever $$ she'll throw my way in Feb. warren :)