Special birthday audio gift to yourself?

Just turned the big 50, and for some 30 years have always wanted a tube based audio system. I have paired a 55 watt SQ-88 integrated tube amp with a pair of Von Schweikert VRjr4's. Very musical combination.Certainly the best birthday present to myself ever. Wondered what special somethin..somethin..others have treated themselves too for their speacial day.
Turning 43 on Nov 9th. Bought myself a couple of "The Jerry Garcia Band" CD's. From the looks of the above posts, it looks like I'm short changing myself.
We got an equity line of credit around that time. I purchased circa 1992 Linn, Ekos, nude Archiv, Mana table(our Ariston's start switch went out temporarily). I purchased a Nuforce 8b amp(now 8.02). I got Signal Cable Silver Resolution interconnects and speaker cable. I got Oritek X-2 interconnects(you don't want to ask me which is superior{I use both}). I have to say(now that I have over 3000 albums) that music does not lie in the digital realm(don't worry, I can explain it to you).
For my 50th I got a Linn LP12 and a shipping damage claim with UPS that took a full 12 months to resolve.

Enjoyed that turntable (after it was fixed) for seven years, then changed to a mass-loaded design and would never go back.

Happy birthday all !
A Rogue Audio Cronus for my 52nd, and a Rega P3-24/Exact 2 for my 54th. My 55th is coming up in December, and as an advanced gift, I'm getting the HRT Music Streamer II. It's my first try with "computer audio" and I'll be hooking up an old laptop to my Cronus with the Streamer and set of AudioQuest Sidewinder IC's.
It should be fun, although I will always remain a devoted analog vinyl listener.