McIntosh vs. Krell amp for Home Theater

I am looking at a McIntosh MC207 and a Krell Showcase Amplifier 7. I have MartinLogan Ascent i front speakers and a MartinLogan Cinema i center. I plan to purchase MartinLogan Script i for rear speakers. I am using a B&K Ref 50 preamp. I listen to music and watch movies almost equally. Does anyone have any exprience with these amps.
Hey Alan - Great choice in amps!! I couldn't have suggested any better. did you get your Mcs at Sound Systems in Charlotte NC? Great dealer - I really like those guys and they know their stuff.
That is where I got it. I sounds awesome and they are fantastic. They came out set it up a let me listen. They left it at my house even though they didn't have a way to charge me for it. I had to go in on Monday to complete the sale. They are coming back out to help me set up my speakers even thought I didn't buy the speakers from them. They are knowledgable and very customer centered. Thanks for all the info.


I found it intersting that my wife who is not in to audio said the second it was connected and she heard it she knew I was going to buy it because she could tell how much better it sounded. My existing amp is an Acurus 125 X 5. It is a good amp but doesn't compare.
I just auditioned both the MC207 & the Krell Show Case 7.1 Ive been an admirer of Kree Equipment for yrs along with McIntosh and Classe. I was astonished at the poor showing Kreel gave at both playing SACD and movie DVD's. The sound was brittle and harsh very fatiguing.
Then it was off to hear the Mac MC207 mated with the Mac MX119 A/V all i can say it was breathless.All the music was sweet the sound stage perfect and the opening sound track from SEA BICUIT -galloping wild horses-was spine chilling the underlining music pure and compleing.
Try "Classe" or "McIntosh" you'll be pleasently surprised and mite save some money
Does anyone own a Mac MX119 with a MC207 if so tell me how you like or dislike it.