Solid state amp for Von Schweikert vr4jr's

I have a 1500.00 +/- budget and looking to compliment my vr4jr's with quality solid state amp. Krell, McCormack, Mark Levinson, BAT, Gamut, Bryston. What is your favorite? Any others? Thanks
I love my 4Jrs with the Parsound JC-1 Halos. I've tried the VTL 450s and the Innersound ESL 300 as well as the Pass Aleph 2s and a Linn Classik. I think the Jrs like some power and the more the better. I tried an Ayre V5xe a short time ago and while everything sounded great, there was a definate sense of loss of power and a penalty in dynamics. I would look at the amps with good power first.

I thought I was a tube guy, but these speakers sound so good in my all solid state setup that I've forgotten that I needed tubes to be happy.
My JR's sound great with my pass labs amp. You may want to look for a used one.
VR4j has a slow and somewhat foggy bass. Get something which able to gave a grip on the speaker. Krell or Levinson, I guess would fit well.