Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Trelja, I am both humbled and saddened with myself. I apologize for not doing this sooner. You were very right about the Stereophile article (I knew you were, but I wanted to check on something else before getting back to you here). I WAS VERY WRONG. I now remember reading it back then, and thinking that something was wrong with the review, but now I know that I myself must have been wrong (that indeed a paper version was NEVER used in the Andra...they do claim as always, that what is used is a "custom" version of the 166). And clearly on the cover photo (October 1997), they are polypropyelene. It is possible that for some reason, I mixed up the sentiments in Morel's own product literature, with that of an interview with Bill Eggleston that I read SOMEWHERE (and I know not where, apparently it wasn't Stereophile...unless it was some followup in mid '98, those are buried somewhere around here...could have been in some other mag, and perhaps I didn't buy the issue), where he was talking about the speaker projects he used to build with his father, using a paper cone midwoofer "because of the quality of the midrange, due to the superior damping characteristics of treated paper as cone material".........The quote I remember well, but I know not where it came from...other than my malfunctioning brain. It could have even been a review of another Eggleston speaker like the Rosa, but I don't know. I just looked up the Andra review in my July/August 1996 issue of Fi, and there is no interview with Eggleston himself there either, but instead much discussion of Peter McGrath's demos of the speaker. In any case, it seems to me that Eggleston should have used the paper 164 instead, because it's hi-frequency response clearly rolls off more smoothly than the polypropylene 166, and indeed the 164's rolloff is smoother (and in a gradual/gentle way) than that of ANY other midwoofer in the world, it seems to me. This seems especially appropriate, since there is no low pass crossover used with them in the Andra. I mean, show me a driver response plot that proves otherwise? In any case, you were correct, and I am eating crow. And, no, all of this isn't really worth debating anyhow..................I am now going to cease posting in this forum, I have had enough. I look forward to reading these forums on occasion, where I will hope to see your knowledgeable and helpful personality on display here, especially since you have the right attitudes with regard to the speaker building hobby (and most audiophiles do not, that is a certainty in my own experience)! You are a class act all the way, Trelja! I wish you all the best for 2001, and for your system!!! Happy listening always. Regards, Carl
Carl_eber, You say I am now going to cease posting in this forum. Why? This is not like you. I never thought Carl_eber would lay down and die. Cmon Carl, where is that, me against the world attitude that I admire about you. If you quit posting there may be a few applauding this decision but not me. Carl, please rethink your position.
Hello Bruce! Carl, pick yourself up. I am extending my hand, if you need it. You can stop eating crow, because I am taking us both(and Bruce) out to the best steakhouse I can find. MY TREAT!!! Hold your head up high. You are far too knowledgeable, and too much of an asset to this site to stop posting. I am wrong more than I am right, that goes with being human. In my opinion, the way we handle it ultimately determines if we are happy or not, and successful or not. Don't worry about speaker building, you are a great person to have in the hobby. As it is as much about art and passion as it is science. And you bring that passion. Look at almost every truth in the hobby. Someone one day comes along and does the opposite, and makes a GREAT speaker. To be honest, I have not built anything since 1996(I think), while you are currently active. I hope to return one day, but have to say I admire the fact that you are in the trenches now. Keep faith, a new day comes every morning. GOOD LUCK!
Cool, were all going to get along. Takes a big man to admit he is wrong, more so when the tempers flare and the story/saga escalates to the degree it had. Thanks Carl.