What Is Best Monoblocks For Around $10,000 Used?

I'm searching for an amplifier upgrade in my system. My system is presently made up of a Classe CA-401 amp, Krell HTS 7.1 pre-pro, Piega P10 loudspeakers and Mark Levinson No.39 CD player. (The P10's and ML 39 will eventually be upgraded.) I listen to 2-channel redbook CD's, but the system also does Home Theater with a Krell Theater Amp Standard handling the center channel, rear channel and Zone 2.

I'm searching for a pair of mono-blocks that sells in the used market for about $10,000 (plus or minus), to replace the Classe CA-401 stereo amp. I've considered the Krell 450Mcx, but heard it sounds dark. (I don't know what dark is.) I've considered the Musical Fidelity KW amps, but they only have single ended inputs. The Pass Labs X600 may not give me the bass I'd like to have.

Can anyone make any suggestions on a good, resolving pair of mono-blocks?

Thank you.
I think the Pass X600 is an excellent amplifier. I've never been less than impressed with its bass. It's even better sounding than their X1000. The X600 is virtually a Class A amplifier; the first 120 or so watts are Class A, so in normal use it only comes out of Class A for transient peaks. Balanced operation is recommended, I think. I don't sell 'em, but do like 'em.

Take a look at the Lamm pure class A monos. They are rated at a lower power than what you speaking about but may work anyway. They are in your price range used or demo. They are my personal wish list mono blocs, definitely the best I have heard. Very finely detailed, and very slightly warm. I really didn't get a chance to manipulate their bass qualities they seemed very well balanced not bassy vise grips. They certainly didn't seem like they would fail to produce prodigious power, my current amps are 400wpc monos. I know what power means.
Have you listened to the Krell Theater amp on the front channels? It may give you more of an idea what the bigger Krells may sound like.