Which way to go - Levinson or Odyssey?

I am currently using a ML-9 amp and love it. However, I understan it is old and I worry about its longevity. Plus, it runs hot. I used to like to leave the system on for long periods of time which was not a problem with my old Rotel, but I am worried about the heat and longevity of the Levinson.

I understand that if I get the caps replaced by Harmon, it will cost $$$. Given that I have not purchased this amp yet, I have options.

I am considering the Odyssey Stratos instead. Used, it is in my budget (which I hope to get the Levinson for).

What are your thoughts on the old Levinson v. the new Odyssey?

I inquired about a factory tune-up/checkout on my Lev No. 23 amp. I was quoted a flat rate of $1200 to completely refurbish the amp regardless of what needs to be done. The problem is I just wanted a factory checkout and this is the only option I've been told. Kind of like an all or nothing deal....

Since the amp seems to be working fine, I did not pursue it further when I heard the $1200 flat rate. If it ever blows up, then yeah, might be interested, but not just for a checkup and a statement of "we'll replace anything that's going bad". Well, what if nothing is going bad then it's $1200 to blow the dust out of it and say, "works good".

Don't get me wrong, love the amp...
I just made up my mind about purchasing any M.L> equipment to be SURE. For a comparision, I had my KSA 250 Krell amp in for OVERHAUL. They replaced like 20+ caps ect. The amp came back sounding better then it was new, $400 plus ship...
Krell service is top notch, I had a amp that was packaged incorrectly and got damaged by UPS, Krell would not realease the amp the UPS instead they had to do an ON site inspection by a independant firm. They krell remachined the front panel for $100. M.L. Pry would have chared 5 times that.
Good Luck