Preamp with most dynamic contrast?

Which preamp in the $ 2000 to $ 5000 range offers the most dynamic contrast (both macro and micro)?

My current set up offers what I value most in spades (no listener fatigue, true timber and great imaging) but is somewhat mellow in dynamic contrasts, especially Micro. I think a change in preamps might do the trick. Current system: Vienna Accoustic Mahler speakers, Bryston 4BST amp, Electrocompaniet EC 4.7 preamp, Meridian 508.24 CD run balanced.
PS: I am tempted to try tubes this time...thanks in advance for your kind suggestions.

Try a Herron VTSP-1A/166 tube pre-amp. It's less than $2,000.00 on Audiogon. It's fantastic!

Well I can tell you it is the preamp more than likely, I auditioned an Electrocompaniet 4.7 this year and it was very un-exciting to be honest. It almost seemed as if it did not have enough gain dynamics whatever, it was boring, but this could be amplifier matching. So I will go on a preamp I have been reading tons about and most will vouch for it on this site as being super dynamic and smooth, very transparent and its 2200.00, The Modwright 9.0se, check it out looks to be the ticket as they say.. But it is Tube and not sure it has a remote option, but is the current golden child in audio right now.
At the low end of your price range seriously consider the Rogue Magnum 99. At the upper end the McIntosh C2200. I've used both with my 4BST and found them both very dynamic and clear - not at all mellow. The McIntosh is the better of the two; I wouldn't part with mine for anything else on the market.
I found mine in the Joule Electra LA-100MkIII. It actually started out as an LA-200 and Jud Barber upgraded it for me. The LA-100 MkIII is available new for around $4k including remote (I have the dual volume version and not the volume/bass version) and you can find them used for around $2k or less (depending on whether it is an original MkIII or an upgrade to MkIII). The LA-150 is also in your price range as well.

As for the Modwright preamp, I heard a few at RAMF in different set-ups and agree that it is a great preamp for the price. However, there have been many darlings in the audiophile world that end up being overnight sensations that dissappear into morning after obscurity. I'm not saying this is the case with Modwright, as I find Dan Wright to be an intelligent and friendly, two characteristics that aren't always assocaited with a designer, but what I am saying is to trust your ears regardless of the hype you may hear about a particular component.
Conrad Johnson tubed pre's do a great job at dynamic contrast(both micro and macro); it is what they are known for. In your price range I would suggest a used premier 16lsII or 17lsII; the 16 would be my first choice.
